The Ladies of Kooch: Anne

Oh hello goddesses! We are going to get to know each other very well through this blog. We’re going to dig deep, have some fun and write about some crazy, life changing stuff. We’ll learn and grow and we’ll let some shit go. Before we get started, I think we should introduce ourselves. We want to hear from you too! Say hi and tell us where you’re from in the comment box below.

Anne, Kai, and NalaI’m Anne. I’m a mom of two crazy and beautiful littles named Kai and Nala and we live in Costa Rica. I’m originally from Chicago, then I moved to London and worked as a corporate lawyer for the largest law firm in the world. That turned out to be no fun at all. So I quit my job and moved to the beach in Costa Rica. I had two beautiful kiddos and started a business making products for mothers and babies. I LOVE supporting and empowering women on their journey through motherhood.

During that time, when my youngest daughter was 1 year old, I split from their father. He is a great, involved father and still my good friend. But that was a real turning point in my life. I realized that with no one else to rely on emotionally, I really had to get my shit together so that I could be the best mom and role model for my kids. I didn’t want to pass my baggage on to them. That started my journey of self-development.

As I began working on myself, I realized that I had never actually taken the time to sit and really think about what I wanted out of life and relationships and what made me truly happy. My life had been reactive instead of proactive. As I started to focus my goals and desires, I realized just how much of how I felt about myself as a woman was the result of my culture, media messages and silly things I learned in middle and high school!

Chief Kooch Officer AnneThat is when I started diving into sexual wellbeing and sexual wellness. I’m a former lawyer, research is my JAM! I started watching documentaries and ordered a whole library of books, now famous among my friends.

My true passion in life is empowering women. I want us all to know, deep down how amazing we are inside and out. I want to help you get rid of all the sexist programming so you can focus on what you really want and to learn how to ask for that.

While on a retreat in Mexico, I met Jessi. She told me about this idea she had for a brand called Kooch (with a K!) and I lost it! I was so excited and I thought it was the best idea I had ever heard. I kept telling her how much I believed in her mission that she asked me if I wanted to partner with her. Of course I said yes, and the Kooch Dream Team was formed!

Jessi and I are here to serve YOU, because we believe that all women deserve to feel amazing, confident and fabulous. Our mission is to help you discover what a true goddess you are so that you can feel confident and sexy, not for anyone else, but for yourself. So stay tuned, we have so much fun and informative content coming your way!

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