Welcome to the new and improved Kooch Blog

Welcome to the new and improved Kooch Blog: Your Gateway to a Vibrant, Sexual, and Magical Life

Hello, beautiful souls! I’m Anne, one of your chief Kooch officers, and I’m absolutely thrilled to extend to you an official welcome to our Kooch blog. For years, we’ve been diligently crafting and perfecting our innovative products for Kooch, which we’re excited to unveil very soon.

However, before we introduce these amazing offerings, I want to immerse you in my Kooch ethos and what it represents—not just as a product line but as a lifestyle that celebrates vibrant living, holistic health, and transformative sexual wellness.
Love neon sign

Kooch: More Than Just a Product

Kooch isn't just another brand; it's a call to embrace a life of joy, health, and profound intimacy. It's about learning to love, accept, and thrive within your beautiful body. It’s about mastering the care of your overall and sexual health. It’s about experiencing extraordinary intimacy with your partner and deepening the most crucial relationship you will ever have—the one with yourself, and, of course, having the best sex of your life!

Structuring Our Journey Together

To guide you through this enriching journey, we’ve segmented our blog into four core areas, each designed to touch different aspects of your life:

Love and Relationships: Dive deep into building meaningful and fulfilling relationships that brighten your world.

Yoga and Meditation: Explore physical and mental wellness through yoga and various forms of meditation that go beyond traditional practices. These will also include breathwork, manifestation visioning and my favorite, sex magic!

Health and Wellness: Focus on comprehensive wellness tips that include nurturing your vaginal health, ensuring your diet supports your body optimally, and more. We make skincare sexy at Kooch.

Sex, Tantra and Self-Love: Discover the art of cultivating a fantastic sex life grounded in self-love, tantric energy and embodiment practices.

Why This Focus?

Over the last ten years, I've experienced a profound spiritual and sexual awakening that has reshaped my understanding of what it means to live fully. My journey back to my roots in psychology and deep dive into personal and interpersonal relationships taught me something vital: the quality of our relationships dictates the joy in our lives, not our professional success or financial status. Happiness is inside job.

During this transformative time, I engaged deeply with energy work and Tantra, which unlocked an intense healing and a powerful sexual reawakening. These experiences convinced me that every woman deserves to explore the slow, deep, energetic, and intimate realms of Tantra-infused sexuality.

My Path and Your Journey

Before co-founding Kooch, my life took several turns—from studying psychology at Tulane University, completing a masters degree at Oxford University, to practicing as an International Project Finance lawyer at Latham & Watkins, and finally settling in Costa Rica to start a family and multiple businesses. Each phase brought me closer to realizing that life’s vibrance comes from small, yet powerful changes in how we live, love, and connect.

I am now a trauma-informed, certified love, sex, and relationship coach, a breathwork facilitator, a 500+ hour certified yoga instructor and a Kundalini activation facilitator. I’m excited to share insights that blend psychological principles with holistic wellness strategies. Whether it’s through Kundalini activation, relationship coaching, or simply choosing the right health practices, our goal is to help you unlock indescribable joy, gratitude, abundance, and love in your life.

We Want to Hear from You!

This blog is for you—to inspire, to answer your questions, and to guide you on this path of discovery. If there’s anything specific you want to know about, or if you have challenges you’re facing, leave us a comment, or reach out directly. Whether you’re interested in our products, here to learn some new techniques for self-care and self-pleasure or you need guidance in intimacy and relationships, Jessi and I are here to support your journey.

So, let’s begin this beautiful expedition together towards an epic, abundant, and sexually vibrant life. It's going to be absolutely magical, and I can't wait to share every moment with you.

With all my love and passion,

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